Hector discovers that Marcel is Michael's lover, and they are happy. After inquiring Baresco about his wife's medications, Hector draws up a new list of drugs for her to take, using a pen loaned to him by Baresco. Hector meets up with his old friend Michael, a physician, with his bodyguard Marcel, and later meets a quick-tempered drug lord named Diego Baresco, who doesn't believe in happiness because his wife is unhappy due to her medication. Hector departs on a terrifying plane ride to Africa, where a woman invites him to her family's house for sweet potato stew, and gives him a book about happiness written by one Professor Coreman. Hector then ventures into the mountains and visits a monastery, where he befriends their leader and talks briefly with Clara via Skype. Their date is interrupted by her pimp, who takes Ying Li away by force. She declines, ashamed of how she makes her living. Edward takes Hector to a very exclusive nightclub in Shanghai, where Hector meets a young woman named Ying Li and instantly falls for her. On a flight to China, he is seated next to Edward, a cranky businessman. He tells his girlfriend, Clara, that he needs to go on a journey to research happiness. Hector is a quirky psychiatrist who has become increasingly tired of his humdrum life.